Do you want to generate passive income through affiliate marketing?
Awesome! Just the right place to be!
You will find below some top reasons why affiliate marketing works and what you need to know about affiliate networks (+ some example of newbie friendly networks).
Firstly, before you understand affiliate networks (also called CPA networks where CPA=Cost per action ;)), you have to have an overview over the industry.
What is an Affiliate Network and why should you care?
There are two sides: the people who have the traffic or know how to buy it (affiliates) and those who want to sell something to those visitors (advertisers).
The affiliate network is the intermediate between the affiliate and advertisers; it’s where they meet and collaborate in ways that benefits both parties.
It is similar to a marketplace where people trade offers and generate new affiliate program opportunities. Advertisers establish their programs on affiliate networks and affiliates browse the network to find offers that they want to promote (based on their vertical, target audience, and so on).
Think about it as the place where the offer (the advertisers) meets the demand (the affiliates)…. and they are from all across the globe!
You can start making some serious cash through affiliate marketing if you get into a good affiliate program and start monetizing your blog or social media profile, for example.
Not sure about what affiliate marketing is? You can find out in this post.
Now that more and more businesses are looking at affiliate marketing to promote and sell products or services, affiliate networks have developed in number and functionalities.
What is a publisher/ affiliate?
Publishers (or affiliates) sign up for different affiliate programs (usually by signing up to an affiliate network)
The retailer (or the advertiser) are companies that own the products or services which they want to be sold through an affiliate program.
They use the affiliate network to provide a unique code for each publisher. This way they can track which publisher made the most sales and commission them accordingly.
How does an Affiliate Network work?
First, you must sign up to a network (whether you are an affiliate or an advertiser).
After you are accepted you will gain access to a wide range of programs, offers, and promotional material.
For an affiliate network to work, both advertisers and affiliates must first sign up to the network.
Affiliates sign up for a program they wish to promote and, once accepted, they gain access to resources (like texts or creatives) to use across their communication platforms (blog, social media accounts, websites, and so on).
Advertisers who sign up can add their programs to the network and gain instant access to a huge range of affiliate programs and upload their own promotional content and creatives.
The unique publisher ID assigned to the affiliate is used to track the sales he does.
- The advertisers has an offer – OfferID
- Has the Offer
- Pay the affiliate network
- The affiliate has a unique publisher ID
- Promotes the offer
- Revenue from the affiliate network based on the publisher ID
The publisher places the affiliate links across promotional material; when potential customers click on the link, they are redirected to the advertiser’s website to complete their purchase.
Most affiliate networks offer consultancy and support advertisers and affiliates to create partnerships that contribute to the growth of each affiliate program.
Which are the Best Affiliate Networks?
If you are looking for some affiliate networks to get you started, you will find this list helpful.
Before you continue reading, it is important to understand that DATA is king in the affiliate marketing game. If you don’t collect data to optimize your campaigns you are going blind…. and waiting to get lucky. This will be another topic to discuss … for now, let’s continue with the list of affiliate networks.
These are some affiliate networks that have easy integration with CPV Lab PRO. Some of them even offer special deals.
You can easily integrate their offers with our tracker + get a BONUS!
TORO Advertising works with affiliates and advertisers in over 90 countries. Their campaigns include mobile content, surveys, education, business opportunities, dating, etc.
TORO Advertising is an affiliate network listed in CPV Lab Pro tracker and they offer a special 10% revenue bonus for CPV Lab users!
Golden Goose is a global CPA platform that provides mobile traffic monetization tools for all participants in the global mVAS market.
They are specialists in Mobile Content Offers for 15 years and they have experience on both side of mVAS market: they have been a content provider in the CIS countries since 2005 and in 2016 they have became a global mobile perfomance network.
Zeydoo is a CPA-network with hand-picked exclusive offers. The hottest verticals are: Dating, Sweepstakes, Finance, Mobile Content & Apps, Betting, Subscriptions, Extensions and much more.
600+ exclusive offers in various verticals will give everyone a chance to find something suitable for them!
Zeydoo is already an integrated Affiliate Network in CPV Lab and they offer a special deal for a vertical at your choice. (Just check the article and read more about their offer).
Other offer sources that you will find integrated are:
- Lemonads
- Clickbank
- Mobidea
- MyLead
- CrackRevenue
- Everad
- TerraLeads
- Mobipium
- Traffic Company
- etc
>>>Here is a complete list with all the Affiliate Networks integrated in CPV Lab so far.
Be aware that the list is constantly updated… so stay tuned!
Which verticals are best for a newbie? Where should you sign up?
Not all affiliate networks are the same. Doh!
Some focus on a specific niche (vertical) like gaming, finance, dating, nutra (health and beauty), sweepstakes, e-commerce, gambling, and so on.
Other networks specialize in one type of offer, while others will provide multiple offers across all kinds of niches.
Some focus on small promotions and others work only with well known brands.
Keep in mind that not all verticals are safe, especially for those lacking the experience.
So try to sign up for networks that are newbie friendly first.
Some affiliate networks are more newbie-friendly than others because they have offers that can be accessed directly without having to prepare a landing page.
CPV Lab Pro is integrated with most of these networks.
Here are 2 such networks where you can register for an account when you are just starting out in affiliate marketing.
If you want to sign up for Zeidoo, go to their website and fill up your information.
PRO TIP: if you write a message in the chat, you can increase your chances of getting in. Let them know what makes you special and what are your aspirations for affiliate marketing. The application is not very different from a job interview, so treat this very seriously if you want to get accepted.
How you will be contacted: After you complete your application, Zeydoo team will contact you in one to few days via chat or email. They might have extra questions for you to make sure if they will accept you or not, so take some time to craft your reply.
Here you also have to fill up some contact info.
For Activity, you should choose Media Buyer, for Traffic choose all the types, and for Vertical choose Carrier Billing. After this, everything is really easy. Hit SIGN UP and wait for an answer.

After signing up, you’ll receive an email with a confirmation link to verify your email. Later, you will receive an email with more questions which you should reply as soon as you can.
PRO TIP: Be honest in your answers 😉
How you will be contacted: They usually reach-out via email. Give them some time to get back to you, as their team is busy with taking care of affiliates 24/7.
What’s the affiliate network commission?
Like any service out there, the affiliate network also gets a cut of the profit. Depending on the network, it varies somewhere between 15% and 25%.
Affiliates that are generating high volume can get better deals and negotiate their %… so there is where you want to get!
Beware of dishonest operators. Always make your research when choosing a network! (the best place to start your research is an affiliate forum like: PowerhouseAffiliate, AffiliateFix, affLIFT, stm, iamaffiliate).
Top reasons of using Affiliate Networks?
The affiliate network’s job is to find advertisers, negotiate and set the basic rules of the collaboration.
They group offers of more advertisers and present them to affiliates on the platform. This way, an affiliate gets access to hundreds of products and offers from a wide range of advertisers.
Moreover, probably the best part is that networks manage the payments. This means that if you are an affiliate you are not paid by the advertisers, but by the affiliate network. You can work on various different offers and get just one payment.
If you are an advertiser, you can always look for your own clients, publishers, and products to promote. But joining an affiliate network offers some (very important) advantages:
You don’t have to manage everything yourself
There are many aspects involved in an affiliate program, which can become overwhelming once you start getting better at affiliate marketing.
An affiliate network will usually handle account management, reporting, and commission payment to affiliates.
Networks can also support advertisers by offering insights on performance and industry benchmarks to help them improve their affiliate marketing strategies.
Joining an affiliate network might be a good idea for both parties (affiliates and publishers) as the network makes sure everything is in its right place.
Efficiently split and use your cash
Most networks offer recommendations that can help you spend your ad budget in the most effective way, as well as monitor your budget spent throughout the month. Commission rates can be calculated based on profit to help you manage your cost per sale, which gives you a lot of control and predictability of budget.
The standard of service is high
Every affiliate has to go through an approval process when applying to join an affiliate network. Not everyone can get in, meaning products are promoted only by verified affiliates. This ensures the quality of service and compliance.
Publishers and affiliates need to comply with the terms and conditions of the affiliate program which excludes any dishonest behavior.
Affiliate networks help you gain brand awareness
As an advertiser you can increase your brand awareness and sales across new, intangible markets because the affiliate network usually have large (national or global) reach with publishers all over the world. For every affiliate that promotes your products, you are increasing your exposure, while keeping your brand identity consistent through your own logos and creatives.
CPV Lab PRO is easily integrated with Affiliate Networks, so it helps to track every conversion. This way you will never miss a conversion and you’ll be able to cash in on your affiliate links.
See the plans available here.
Too long, didn’t read? Here are the key takeaways:
- Affiliate networks are a great place for advertisers to look for affiliates to promote their products or services.
- If you are just starting out, affiliate networks are great! You can run tests, figure out what works best for you.
- This business model ensures comfort and security for both parties involved.
- Brands can access an extensive network of very talented affiliates that can promote and sell their products through their own channels, offering access to many untapped markets.
- An affiliate network is a safe place where partnerships are developed based on trust and communication and everything is managed and kept under control by the network, leaving affiliates and advertisers with more time to focus on their core business.