As CPV Lab is a self-hosted marketing tracker, it is normal that we constantly check what are the best hosting providers for our users.
It’s been a while now since we started recommending LiquidWeb and A2Hosting to our users and they offer great services and packages so far.
Lately we checked other hosting providers as well, and here is the list of the best hosting providers for CPV Lab affiliate tracker.
Of course, each hosting option depends on how much traffic you run… but all the selected offers are among the best out there and they work great with CPV Lab.

Your own cloud hosting!
It sounds pretty cool, right? To have a self-hosted tracker… in cloud!
The guys from Cloudways are super friendly and they offer awesome support.
But what about the hosting, you would wonder?
- They have Scalable cloud hosting depending on your needs. This means you start with a smaller DigitalOcean hosting and once your business grows and you get more traffic, you can easily scale your hosting power.
- CPV Lab will be automatically installed for you
- If you have CPV Lab on a different server, they will do the migration for you at no cost.
And in this period, they have a super offer: 40% off for the first 4 months! This means you will pay $15.60/mo for your own cloud server!
Check the Cloudways hosting offers here!

This is one of the servers very popular with our users because they have a very good price, they are reliable + have good customer support.
We usually recommend their VPS solution, which is one of the best options for CPV Lab.
The A2Hosting Black Friday/Cyber Monday offer for VPS: Lift4 2 cores & 4GB RAM at only $19.99/mo.
You can explore their other servers as well, but this VPS will work great with CPV Lab Pro 🙂
Check the A2 VPS hosting offers here!

We tested quite a few hosting providers before recommending you another one.
But we noticed that some of our users need more help when it comes to picking a Shared Hosting plan.
And the plan that we recommend from Siteground is: GoGeek Shared hosting plan.
This plan works very well if you don’t have that much traffic (<500,000 events per month) or if you need WordPress for your websites.
What we liked about Siteground is their easy-to-use interface and that they have WordPress already preinstalled on their shared hosting packages.
So, if you need a good and cheap Shared hosting, GoGeek from Siteground is the best option for you!
They also offer cloud hosting, but we recommend Cloudways for cloud as Cloudways has a larger variety of options and prices. 😉
Again, they have special deals in this period, and the offer for GoGeek plan on Siteground is: GoGeek Shared server – only $5.99 for the 12 months plan!
Check the Shared Siteground hosting offers here!

I’ve left them at the end because they are usually more expensive.
But their hosting is great if you are looking for a VPS or a Cloud hosting, they are a super good option.
As I said, from the feedback we received from our users, the price was the only inconvenient, but the services are very good.
But you can solve the price inconvenient if you hurry. You can catch the Black Friday offers and you will enjoy good hosting at an affordable price!
Check the Hosting offers from LiquidWeb!
Bundle: CPV Lab + hosting!
In this period, we have also several bundles available: CPV Lab ad tracker + hosting (cloud, VPS or shared). Your choice!
And once you get a bundle, you will also get a free install + 1on1 personalized demo session with somebody from our team.
Check the bundle packages: CPV Lab + hosting here!
Sort of a conclusion…
CPV Lab conversion tracker is working on either shared, VPS or cloud hosting. It depends a lot on the amount of traffic you run.
If you are just starting or you have a small business with less than 500 000 visits/month, then a shared hosting may work just fine.
But for optimal performances and fastest redirect speeds, especially when you run millions of visits each month, then you need at least a VPS, or, even better, a cloud server.
Hope this helps 😉