This is going to be an advanced tutorial teaching you how to use CPV Lab’s dynamic insertion feature.
This a very powerful method that could increase your landing page’s conversion rate by upto 50%.
Dynamic Insertion Tutorial 2023
Step 1: Create the campaign in CPV Lab
Create a CPV Lab campaign by clicking the “Add New Campaign” tab, or use a campaign you’ve already created.
Step 2: Edit the landing pages
1. Then, go to the “Landing Pages” area and place a question mark “?” at the end of the URL.
2. Make up (create) a name for the variable.
Example variable name: example1
Tip: it should be something you can understand and remember easily.
3. Add an equal sign “=” after the variable that you named (created).
4. Select a CPV Lab Token from the drop down menu that appears.
We’re using state token in this tutorial, but here’s a list of other powerful tokens CPV Lab provides for us below.
List of CPV Lab’s tokens:
Feature | Token | Description |
Displays Keyword | {!target!} | Grabs the keyword/target |
Displays the users city | {!mm_city!} | Grabs the users city |
Displays users state | {!mm_state!} | Grabs the users state |
Displays device’s model | {!sm_device_model!} | Grabs the model of the mobile device |
Displays device’s brand | {!sm_device_brand!} | Grabs the mobile device’s brand name |
Displays the users browser | {!sm_browser!} | Grabs the browser name |
Displays the browser version | {!sm_browser_version!} | Grabs the browser version |
Displays the operating system | {!sm_os!} | Grabs the operating systems name |
Displays the operating system version | {!sm_os_version!} | Grabs the operating systems version |
Displays IP Address | {!ispcarrier!} | Grabs the users ip address |
Displays users country | {!mm_country!} | Grabs the users country |
Step 3: Copy the code for Dynamic Insertion
Copy the php script from the “Links & Pixels” area in the “Pass Keyword/Target to Page” section.
<?php echo($_GET['target']) ?>
Step 4: Update your Landing page
Paste the php script where you want the dynamic variable(s) to be displayed in your landing page (it needs to be a php file).
Step 5: Update your variables
Now we just need to change the name from “target” which is set by default to the name we created earlier for our variable.
Since we named our variable “example1” in this tutorial we have to replace the name “target” with the name “example1” in the php script.
<?php echo($_GET['target']) ?>
<?php echo($_GET['example1']) ?>
Step 6: Finished!
Now, just save and check the link to make sure the variables are being passed to the landing page and working correctly.
Note: I added a color to the variables using a CSS style attribute with the span tag so it would be easier to see the variables in this tutorial. You can easily copy this script, and add all sorts of different variations.
Example script:
<span style="color:yellow;"><?php echo($_GET['example1']) ?></span>
Alternative landing page example:
Over The Shoulder Video Tutorial:
Optional: But, recommended.
In case the user’s location can’t be identified (found) we can set a default/backup value to make sure our page isn’t left with missing text when the user arrives to our page.
To make sure we don’t run into this error we’re going to use the same php script we had earlier:
<?php echo($_GET['example1']) ?>
And add additional code to the script like this:
<?php echo (empty($_GET['example1']) ? "default-value-here" : $_GET['example1']) ?>
The version below can be copied and used for your own site.
<?php echo(empty($_GET['target']) ? "default-value-here" : $_GET['target']) ?>
**Special thank you to Radu for providing this powerful script for us to use, and showing exactly how to use it properly.
URL Query String Structure:
Color: | Usage: | Position in URL |
Red | Start of Parameter | ? |
Blue | Variable name | variable |
Orange | Value Separator | = |
Green | Value | value |
Purple | Parameter Separator | & |