Golden Goose is a leading affiliate network that offers a seamless experience for marketers looking to maximize their earnings through Cost Per Action (CPA) marketing. With a wide range of high-converting offers and advanced tracking solutions, Golden Goose empowers marketers to achieve exceptional results with minimal effort.
Learn how to easily create a profitable CPA marketing campaign by integrating CPV Lab Pro with Golden Goose’s affiliate network.
We’re going to take you through the steps we took to make this campaign profitable with minimal effort.

Table Of Contents: | Section: |
Introduction | |
➀ Step 1: Create CPV Lab Campaign | |
➁ Step 2 : Propeller Ads Campaign | |
➂ Step 3: Analyze Data | |
➃ Step 4: Optimize | |
➄ Step 5: Scale | |
Conclusion |
Introduction: Low Budget Method
In this tutorial we’re going to show you how we’re able to make profitable CPA campaigns with a relatively small budget.
We’re going to guide you through the process to help you utilize CPV Lab efficiently, and see how we’re able to get profitable campaigns with spending less than $10.
Step 1: Create CPV Lab Tracking Campaign
First we created a new CPV Lab campaign so we can get track everything. We want to know as much as possible about the traffic we get: clicks, engagement, CTR, Conversions, device information, GEO data and much more.
So, we will use CPV Lab ad tracking platform to track everything about our CPA campaign.
- Traffic source: PropellerAds
- Affiliate Offer: Golden Goose
- Ad tracker: CPV Lab (or CPV One)

Then, selected “Direct Link & Landing Pages” (because we will be using a single landing page before the offer).

We added the basic “General settings” information and “Tracking settings” to the page.
**Note: To learn how to create a new campaign please click here 🙂

And placed the tokens in the “Macros & Tokens” section to make sure our campaign tracks properly.
The Macros selected here will get data from the traffic source (in our case Propeller Ads) so we have same data.
Note: For PropellerAds campaigns it is important to choose CPC as the bid model in CPV Lab (even if you choose CPM in the PropellerAds platform) because they send the data as CPC no matter what.

We added a landing page in the “Landing Pages” section. This is the landing page that we will use in our campaign.

Landing Page Screenshot:

And then grabbed one of the top offers in Golden Goose’s affiliate network.
From the Golden Goose platform, select a top offer or talk to your account manager to get a good one.

And added the offer to the “Offers” section in CPV lab and saved the Golden Goose campaign.

Step 2: Create Propeller ads campaign
In Propeller Ads Dashboard we created a new Golden Goose campaign by clicking the “Create campaign” button.

Traffic type
Gave the Golden Goose campaign a name and set the Traffic type to “Popunder“.

We added a target URL in the “Target URL” field. This is the Campaign URL provided by CPV Lab ad tracker so we can track the campaign effectively.
We set the “frequency” to 1 per 24 hours.

In the “Traffic Sources” section we selected both Propeller Ads “Exclusive Inventory” as well as their “Partner Traffic“.

Countries & Bid
In the “Countries” section we selected Pakistan and in the “CPM” field we set the CPM to 0.1
The idea was to see how much traffic was available at a relatively low bid using Propeller ads Smart CPM bid type.

Advertising Budget
The “Daily Campaign Budget” was set to $10 and the “Total Campaign Budget” was set to $15

In the targeting section the “Platform” was set to mobile and the “OS” was set to Android and IOS

The “Browser” was set to Google Chrome.

Ad Delivery Method
The for “Ad delivery method” we selected “Standard” to grab as much traffic that was available. Then, saved and started the campaign.

Step 3: Analyze data
With under $10 ad spend we already had around a +45% ROI without optimizing.

Additional Screenshot:

Step 4: Optimize & Scale
To optimize this campaign and keep it profitable we copied all the profitable zone id’s.

And, placed them into a separate duplicated PropellerAds campaign, so that we only run ads with specific zones that are profitable.
We can also increase our budget to increase the volume of traffic that the campaign is receiving.
Note: the secret is to pick only winning zones, not all the zones out there.

Step 5: Additional Platform Scaling
To add extra revenue from this campaign we can view the data to find which external metrics (metrics that can be used with multiple traffic sources) are bringing in the most revenue.

After collecting a little more data we can use these external metrics to make additional profitable campaigns from multiple ad networks to increase the overall revenue.
Hopefully this case study showed you how to utilize some techniques so you can optimize better your campaigns. Also it shows the power of CPV Lab for your own campaigns.
Here are some other extra optimizing techniques you can use for your campaigns:

Guest Author: Patrick Hill
Patrick is an affiliate marketer with 8+ years marketing experience. He was certified at Meclabs Research Institute in 2019 for value proposition development and a Photoshop designer. He has experience working as a technical support manager at a CPA network, and loves to make graphic design and programming easy for average people.